Student Housing Apartments and Pool Safety: 6 Ideas
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Student Housing Apartments and Pool Safety: 6 Ideas

Student Housing

Swimming pools are a great amenity on your student housing apartment grounds, but they have certain safety risks.

Property managers should take the necessary precautions to ensure that their swimming pool is safe for all residents and guests.

This blog post will discuss six pool safety tips property managers can use for their student housing apartments. These tips will help you create a safe environment for everyone using the swimming pool.

We’ll also provide advice on how to execute these strategies effectively so you can keep your students happy and safe while enjoying their summer days at the pool!

Why Pool Safety Is Important in Student Housing Apartments

But first, why is pool safety so important?

With such a large population of younger, possibly inexperienced swimmers living in student housing apartments, property managers must take extra measures to ensure the safety of their tenants.

Accidents are more likely to occur without proper protocols and regulations, leading to potential liability issues for your business.

Here are three ways pool safety can help property managers in the long run.

1. Liability Risks

Whether your student housing is equipped with a deck, terrace, or yard with a pool, taking safety measures is a crucial and necessary step.

Pool accidents can occur in the blink of an eye and often result in significant injuries.

Students may be unaware of the danger pools present, and our responsibility is to protect them.

Implementing pool safety rules not only reduces liability risks but also allows for peace of mind knowing that those enjoying the pool area are safe and protected. Investing in more rigorous pool safety regulations can nip some of life’s unfortunate surprises.

2. Compliance Requirements

As a property manager, it's essential to be aware of the constantly evolving regulations around pool safety.

These laws differ from state to state, but changes may also frequently occur within particular cities or counties.

You must stay up-to-date on all laws relevant to pool safety in your jurisdiction, including signage, fencing, and water testing mandates.

Failing to adhere to these protocols can result in hefty fines or other legal consequences that could potentially jeopardize your business.

Rely on experts and industry publications to ensure you are compliant and implement proper procedures across your properties.

3. Resident Health and Wellness

Pool safety should always be taken seriously, as residents' health and wellness can depend upon it.

As a property manager, you are responsible for ensuring that the onsite pool facility is safe.

To meet that responsibility, it is essential to take proactive steps, such as educating your residents about proper safety practices.

Six Pool Safety Tips for Student Apartments

We've explained why pool safety is vital for you as a property manager. We've also given you a glimpse of how to make your pool safe for your student tenants.

In the following sections, we will share six tips for pool safety in your student housing property.

Tip 1: Install a Fence or Other Barrier

The first step to keeping your students safe is installing a fence or other barrier around the pool area. The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends that all residential swimming pools be surrounded by an isolation fence measuring at least 4 feet (1.2 m) in height.

This fence should also include self-closing and self-latching gates with the latches high enough to be out of reach of young children.

If you manage an apartment complex with multiple tenant units, consider installing a gate between the unit and the pool to increase safety further.

Tip 2: Post Signage and Pool Rules

To keep your student tenants safe while in the pool, you must post signage with clear instructions on how to use the pool safely. This could include rules such as no running, no diving into shallow water, restrictions on alcohol consumption while using the pool, and more.

Additionally, posting signs reminding people of basic safety precautions — such as not swimming alone or wearing life jackets — can help reduce risks associated with using the pool.

Ensure to include local laws and emergency contact information when posting signages and rules. Consider posting signs instructing tenants not to leave children unattended near the pool area.

Tip 3: Provide Safety Equipment

As a responsible property manager, it is imperative to ensure tenant safety when renting a property with a pool. Providing a first aid kit that is easily accessible to all tenants in an emergency is one of the simplest and most effective measures.

Additionally, investing in lifejackets and other flotation devices is highly recommended as both a preventative measure and an added protection.

Tip 4: Complete Regular Maintenance Checks

Keeping up with regular maintenance of your pool is imperative for both the tenants’ safety and the pool’s longevity. Checking the water levels and pH balance should be done weekly or bi-weekly.

This will allow quick reactions if any issues arise from incorrect pH balance or low water levels. It is also essential to check the filters periodically to ensure they are running smoothly; clogged filters can lead to unhealthy bacteria growing on the pool walls or floor.

ExactEstate's interactive property management software provides an easy-to-use, user-friendly option to track your pool's maintenance and health needs.

With this software, you can keep a constantly updated record of water chemistry levels, adjustments, alarm systems for detecting when repairs are necessary, and even yearly testing results.

Tip 5: Secure Entrances to Pool Areas

Securing entrances to pool areas is another great way to keep students safe who are using the pool on your property.

As we said, installing fences around pools can act as a deterrent against unauthorized entry while also ensuring that those swimming have proper supervision if needed.

Adding locks to gates surrounding pools can help protect your students’ young siblings or other minors from entering or exiting without supervision.

Doors leading into pool areas should also be locked when not in use. This will help reduce access to hazardous equipment, such as pumps and chemicals stored nearby.

Tip 6: Investigate Safety Features and Technology

Investigating new safety features and technology is yet another way property managers can keep their pools safe for student tenants.

For example, installing motion sensors around pools may help detect unauthorized entry into areas where swimming activities are prohibited after certain hours or alert management when someone unexpectedly enters a pool area alone late at night — a handy feature when having student tenants living onsite!

ExactEstate's property management software is a great way to boost security at any residential, multi-family, or commercial property.

By tracking who enters and leaves the pool area and when, the software increases accountability for all visitors and tenants, ensuring only authorized personnel are allowed in the area.

Not only will this protect the safety of your residents, but it can help avoid costly legal disputes.

Make Student Housing Safer With ExactEstate

By implementing the pool safety measures outlined in this blog post, property managers can ensure their student tenants are safe when using a pool facility.

But with ExactEstate's property management software, you can further streamline processes, track tenant activity, and ensure your properties remain compliant with local laws.

Book a demo today to get started on making your student housing safer than ever before.

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