All ExactEstate Blog Posts

affordable housing software

Affordable Housing Software for Residents and Managers

Category: Affordable Housing

Running an affordable housing community can be a unique challenge for all levels of management. Families in these units are often under personal and financial stress, and the right tools make offerin…

Read: Affordable Housing Software for Residents and Managers

RealPage v EE

RealPage vs. ExactEstate: A Comparison of Key Capabilities

Category: Property Management

Property managers depend on strong, comprehensive software to do their jobs effectively. There’s no shortage of property management software to choose from, but they’re not created equal, with some P…

Read: RealPage vs. ExactEstate: A Comparison of Key Capabilities


Why Sensitive Information Is Safe With ExactEstate

Category: ExactEstate News

In an age when privacy violations abound, you’re always hearing about the latest company that illegally sold, shared, or otherwise misused private information. This includes our property management s…

Read: Why Sensitive Information Is Safe With ExactEstate

resident damage to unit

Determining Tenant Damage Costs: A Guide

Category: Property Management

Owning and renting out a property can be lucrative, but it comes with its challenges. One of the most frustrating issues landlords have to deal with is tenant damage to their rental properties. From …

Read: Determining Tenant Damage Costs: A Guide

smoke detector battery in apartment

Who Changes Smoke Detector Batteries: Tenant or Managers?

Category: Property Management

In the property rental industry, managers need to hold tenants responsible for certain things to ensure the safety of all residents. One responsibility that some landlords leave to their tenants is e…

Read: Who Changes Smoke Detector Batteries: Tenant or Managers?


Innovative Paths to Affordable Housing

Category: Affordable Housing

As we face increasing urbanization, the demand for affordable housing solutions has never been more acute. Yet, amidst these challenges, innovative partnerships and technologies are paving the way fo…

Read: Innovative Paths to Affordable Housing

student tenant in rental apartment

6 Ways to Attract Better Tenants in Student Housing

Category: Student Housing

It’s one thing to attract quality tenants. Appealing to quality student tenants is another matter altogether. Thanks to their immature and rowdy reputation, some landlords may avoid having this age g…

Read: 6 Ways to Attract Better Tenants in Student Housing

overdue notice

Late Rent and Fees: The Essentials

Category: Property Management

As a property owner, property manager, or employee in the residential property rental industry, you want renters to consistently pay their rent on time. It is a dream to have amazing tenants responsi…

Read: Late Rent and Fees: The Essentials