6 Ways: Resolve Housing Complaints and Disputes with Tenants
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6 Ways: Resolve Housing Complaints and Disputes with Tenants

Property Management

As an apartment owner or property manager, there are a lot of things that are expected of you. Depending on your initial agreement with your tenants, you may be responsible for taking care of maintenance problems, pest invasions, noise control, and many more issues aside from collecting rent and holding your apartment tenants accountable for their share of responsibilities as well. When these expectations are not met, that's when housing complaints arise. 

A good apartment manager knows how to quickly provide a resolution to various issues within their building. In order to create a habitable space for everyone, a win-win solution should always be provided whenever possible. Let's talk about how to resolve rental disputes. 

What Are Some of the Most Common Complaints in Apartment Rentals?

Before we focus on the solutions for rental disputes let's be sure to brush up on the most common complaints that you'll probably have to face if you are an apartment manager or owner. 

Maintenance Problems

To no one's surprise, one of the most common complaints from apartment renters is related to maintenance, and most of the time, this is going to be the landlord's responsibility. 

Plumbing issues, leaky roofs, broken windows, you name it - there has to be a work order in the system dedicated to it. Depending on the size of the building that you manage, you'll be bombarded with all sorts of maintenance concerns that you should then address fast and effectively so that the problem does not escalate. 

Noise Complaints

The next most common housing complaint would be noise-related issues. There will always be louder people and that may lead to problems with other tenants. 

It's a lot easier to address if the noise is just coming from one of your other tenants but what if it's from another building? You're going to have to think out of the box for this one. 

Pest Invasion

Pest invasion is also one of the most common problems in residential areas. Rats, cockroaches, bugs, things can get out of hand quickly. As a landlord, you need to protect the safety and health of your tenants. 

Lack of Communication

What's common amongst all of these housing complaints? It's that you're going to have to act on them fast. Most tenants get frustrated when landlords go AWOL and do not communicate properly, even when it comes to rental payments or apartment rules.  

So, be sure to always be there for your tenants whenever needed and communicate effectively. 

Here's What You Can Do To Resolve Complaints

1. Be Accessible and Act Quickly

The very first step in resolving housing complaints is just to be present. Be there whenever you're needed by your tenants. As mentioned, you should have already established a channel where you can communicate with them effectively

And when they do raise a complaint, make sure to act on it quickly. You can't be on top of things if your tenants don't have any way of reaching you. This is actually one of the many advantages of renting an apartment as compared to buying a house. Tenants get access to help whenever necessary and it's up to you as an apartment landlord to provide it. 

2. You're Going To Have To Listen

We understand that it's so easy to get fed up with rental disputes, especially when it's one after another, but if we want to resolve them fast, you're going to have to really listen to them. 

Take the time, meet with your tenant face to face as much as possible, and listen with the intent to find and provide a solution to the problem. Remember, not all tenants have the same temperament and so they will react differently to a situation. Try not to implement a one-size-fits-all solution. 

If possible, be compassionate with your tenants. Once they feel that you're sincerely going to help them out, they are going to be cooperative too, and things will be a lot easier for both sides. 

Cooler heads will prevail, housing complaints will be properly addressed, and the dispute will turn into cooperation. 

3. Be Professional 

Always remember that you are the owner or manager of an apartment and when a complaint reaches you, be sure to act professionally on it. That means not letting your emotions get in the way and not having any other motivation in the process, especially when mediating a dispute between two of your apartment renters. 

Be neutral and make sure to hear each side out to not let the other feel like you're taking a side, which can fuel the dispute more.

4. Be Well-Aware of the Situation in Your Apartment/Property 

Sometimes, the best way to resolve housing complaints and disputes with your apartment renters is to not let any happen to begin with. What do we mean? We discussed some of the most common housing complaints earlier, right? 

So, why don't you make sure that these never happen? Be on top of the situation in your apartment by keeping up with maintenance, applying measures to prevent any sort of infestation, and inquiring proactively from your clients if they have any concerns on a regular basis. 

5. Set Rules

Once again, another preemptive measure to ensure that rental disputes or complaints won't get out of hand is to set rules for everyone in your apartment building. 

Are pets allowed or not? Set rules about noise, about keeping the building clean, or how to file a proper complaint so it can be addressed. All of these are essential in keeping a harmonious relationship with your tenants. 

You need to follow your own rules to the letter, too. Set an example. You also have to be well-versed in the law so you aren't caught up in a pinch when a tenant goes on a rampage of complaints. 

And another practical tip? Always keep your cool. Your tenant may vent out their frustration but you always have to stay cool and authoritative to keep things under control at all times. 

6. Seek the Help of a Mediator

If things really get out of hand, seek professional help. A mediator such as a lawyer may be essential for certain housing complaints. Remember that no matter what you do, sometimes rental disputes will reach court, so be ready.

Sometimes, a professional mediator who's got the right training and equipped with the right skills to diffuse the situation is needed for a fresh perspective on issues and a solution that's fair for all. You should seriously consider this when you think that the talks are going nowhere. 

Wrapping Up

When things get out of hand and are overwhelming then you might need a solid platform to back you up and help you manage your apartment building. ExactEstate is a platform that provides simple solutions to complex problems and will be a tremendous help for you as you cater to the needs of your tenants.

As mentioned, miscommunication is one of the most common triggers of housing complaints and so to bridge the gap, sometimes, you'll need assistance from a team who's passionate about helping you out and innovative software that will help you fulfill your day-to-day management responsibilities. 

Contact us and schedule a demo today!

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